
Returning to Your First Love: Putting God Back in First Place is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Evans challenges you to probe your heart and consider your commitment to God. Hard-hitting answers, biblical evidence, and down-to-earth illustrations cut to the heart of the topic. This book will bring you to your knees and re-ignite the flame in your heart for your Lord and Savior.

FOREWORD If the Lord Jesus Christ were to come to your house or mine and sit down with us, what do you think He would say? I believe one of the first things He would ask is, “Do you love Me?” That’s the question the resurrected Christ asked Simon Peter three times at their seaside breakfast (John 21:15–17). Peter had denied the Lord at His crucifixion, and he needed to be restored. Jesus undertook that restoration by bringing Simon back to the basic issue: “Do you love Me?” The Savior wasn’t satisfied
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